Employee Health Management is HCB Group’s unique and modern approach to Occupational Health. In our model, we focus on identifying the real cause of the absence, (many of which have social determinants that have been medicalised and there is no medical condition at all), and we work with HR and Line Management to identify and dismantle return to work barriers.
The key to success is referring cases early enough, often whilst affected staff members are still at work. HCB Group can prove significant success from engaging in this way.
HCB Case Managers are laser-focussed on sustainable outcomes. Their work is underpined by three pillars, which combine to make HCB South Africa a unique provider of Employee Health Management Systems.
Granular understanding and use of the BPS Model of Disability Assessment. Regular training from a BPS architect, Professor Sir Mansel Aylward CB. This enables our CCM’s to understand the prominence of Biological, Psychological and Social factors influencing RTW at core level.
HCB uses world leading disability duration guidelines to aid target RTW dates, provide details on likely co-morbidities and help keep absentees motivated and driven towards sustainable RTW.
A company which HCB has invested to deliver market leading training services, using nudge theory, brain science and motivational interviewing techniques to deliver better outcomes and improve relationships.
With early intervention support what happens to the individuals.
*Neurological (epilepsy, parkinsons etc)
*Non disclosed (this often refers to medical conditions under investigation)
† Medical Grounds (often called ill-health early retirement, most often used nowadays for terminal illness cases)
† Return to work (full time) / Left employer