HCB’s origins date back to 1984, when our CEO, Jim Harris, formed a small agency to providing niche support services to the claims departments of Income Protection carriers, (then called Permanent Health Insurance).
What became clear quite quickly, but proved more challenging to fix, was that insurers were not invested in engaging with their claimants as early as they should, and the consequence was more claims that lasted longer, unhappy, unwell customers, and challenging financials in terms of the ever increasing need to apply higher capital reserves.
We are one of the pioneers of Early Intervention services, we demonstrated the ‘win-win’ associated with supporting people to return to work early by engaging with them as early as possible in the process, and we have built a range of wrap-around services all centrally themed to optimise sickness absence, to the advantage of employees, employers, and their insurers.
We have blended our products and local services with significant international experience and know-how, and we pride ourselves on our ability to efficiently manage sickness absence in a practical, empathetic and supportive way.
Our mission is to redefine the traditional role of Occupational Health, by making people understand the value attributable to Early Intervention – if it is properly understood and managed. That knowledge and experience is at the core of HCB’s value.
“It is my vision that HCB’s service will continue to provide innovation in what is an exceptionally conservative market. We will do so with the integrity and compassion which have been at the heart of everything we do, and is embedded into the culture of the entire organisation.”
Jim Harris, CEO